Milkyway Circuitboard 6″ Rig – Mary Jane's Headquarters
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Milkyway Circuitboard 6″ Rig

$ 119.99

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Introducing the Milkyway Circuitboard 6" Rig, a masterpiece that showcases our signature circuitboard design. This 7" sidecar rig brings a digital representation of our hearts and minds to life, embodying the essence of modernity and technological advancement.

Immerse yourself in the digital realm as you indulge in the sleek and captivating aesthetics of the Milkyway Circuitboard Rig. The intricate circuitboard pattern serves as a visual testament to our interconnectedness in this digital age.

Crafted with both comfort and stability in mind, this rig features a sturdy construction and an extra thick base, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable smoking experience. The incorporation of a showerhead perc further enhances the filtration and diffusion of your hits, resulting in smooth and flavorful sessions.

Unlock the potential of digital smoking with the Milkyway Circuitboard 6" Rig. Embrace the fusion of art and technology as you delve into the world of modern smoking. Elevate your sessions and enjoy the seamless combination of style, functionality, and smooth hits that this rig provides.

Experience the future of smoking with the Milkyway Circuitboard 6" Rig. Let its captivating design and impeccable craftsmanship ignite your senses and redefine your smoking rituals. Embark on a journey through the digital realm and savor the unparalleled pleasure this rig offers.